How To Know When Your Rugs Need Carpet Cleaning

One of the most overlooked chores is rug cleaning. Most of the time, we fail to notice how dirty our rugs are unless something starts to happen. Find out how to know when to clean your carpet and when to call carpet cleaning services with the following techniques. 

Your Rug Has Lost That Fluffy Feeling

Run your hands through your rug or, better yet, go bare feet and feel your carpet. If it’s not the usually “fluffy” rug feel, the kind that you enjoy, then it may be time to clean it. Sometimes, all your non-fluffy rug needs is a vacuuming. If after a few passes and your rug still feels stiff, then a professional carpet cleaner is at hand.

Your Rug Has Lost It’s Natural Color

If your once light brown rug color is now dark, chocolatey brown, then it’s time to clean your carpet with a wet and dry vac. It’s time to deep clean it to revive the rug fibers. Vacuuming alone cannot clean the fibers, and if the surface is already discolored, the inner portion of your rug is probably teeming with dirt. If you don’t own a wet and dry vac, you have no choice but to call professional carpet cleaners. 

Your Rug Is Starting To Smell

If you’ve already changed your curtains and used a deodorizer, but you can’t remove that awful room smell, then it may be your dirty rug or carpets. The smell is coming from caked dirt found in the deep fibers of your rug. Also, under the carpet are dirt, dust, and grime that may be there for years! If your carpet is starting to smell, it’s time to deep clean it. If you own a wet and dry vac, use this with a deodorizing soap and hot water. If you don’t own this kind of vacuum, call a professional to help you out. 

Your Rug Has Visible And Sticky Stains

You can’t remove visible and sticky stains using a vacuum or a damp towel. Baking soda may work, but if the stain is days or weeks old, this won’t work at all. The best solution is to let a professional carpet cleaner clean carpet stains, especially old stains. A professional can remove stains without damaging your carpet. 

Your Rug Is Starting To Attract Pests

If you see ants, rats, or your pet dog sniffing or peeing on your carpet, then chances it needs cleaning at once. The presence of pests could mean there are leftover bits of food in the carpet fiber, and these are attracting pests. 

A clean carpet and a clean rug is a sign of a healthy home. Do your best to keep your rugs and carpets clean.