Using Structural Oak Beams For Construction Projects

Wood has been used for construction activities for thousands of years, and oak is one of the most widely used woods for buildings and other structures, since it is very durable. Architects and engineers are choosing to use oak for making structures, because in addition to being a strong structural material , the buildings constructed using oak are also aesthetically pleasing. There are different types of structural oak beams offered for sale by different companies, hence it is important to consider the application where the beams will be used before selecting the right oak beams.

Freshly cut oak from trees is called green oak, it is unseasoned and has a high moisture content. It is used extensively for a large number of applications like garages, decorative purposes and other extensions where some changes in dimensions are tolerable. Since the moisture levels in green oak are higher, it is also easier to cut the oak into customized shapes if required. Over a period of time, the green oak will lose moisture, and the size of the oak beams will alter to some extent. In other cases, beam may split or cracks may be formed, adding a rustic look to the places where this wood is being used.

Since there are changes in the dimensions of green oak over a period of time, for structural beams , it is advisable to use air dried oak, which is considered semi-seasoned or fully seasoned, depending on the moisture levels. These beams have already shrunk when kept in the air, no pressure was required to make them shrink. Hence when they are used for structural applications their dimensions are not likely to change significantly, resulting in greater structural stability. The oak beams can be used both internally and externally for structural applications

Most oak beam suppliers are stocking the beams in standard sizes based on demand, which are cut to conform with European norms. Custom made oak beams are available on request for a particular project. These beams will be cut from a larger project. Site graders will grade the oak based on the quality of the oak. The oak beams are priced and sold on a cubic feet basis. A variety of services for the oak beams are offered, like coating the beams with wax, and colouring the beams as required. If required the beams can be cleaned. The beams can also be treated to prevent infestation by pests like termites. After an order is placed, the oak beams are delivered to the desired location.